Mini Gastric Bypass Price in Mexicali Mexico

The stomach will be divided into two parts. One part will be rebuilt to look like a tube. The first part of the small intestine will be connected with the gastric tube to a section of the small intestine lower than the previous attachment point. The largest portion of the stomach is left connected to the intestine. Unlike gastric bypass, the intestine is not trimmed, and the stomach is left with a larger area.



What to Expect

Two years after the surgery, weight loss is 75-85% of excess body weight; five years after the surgery, the excess body weight loss is 70-75%.

Weight loss with mini-gastric bypass is as good, if not better, than that achieved with standard gastric bypass surgery in people with a higher BMI.

Many diseases connected to being overweight like sleep apnoea, type 2 diabetes, joint diseases, high blood pressure or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) improve or disappear as a result of the surgery.

What’s Included






Blood work, EKG, and physical


Antibiotics and pain medicine


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Free Follow-Up Consultation with Surgeon and Nutriologist


Frequently Asked Questions

Do i have to take vitamins after surgery?

It is only strictly necessary to take vitamin supplements with periodicity, in the operation of Gastric Bypass. In Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Band operations, they are usually recommended.

How does the operation affects my social and personal relationships?

Obesity operations not only do not affect but improve the quality of life of the obese patients, from all points of view.

  • It improves their mobility and ability to perform activities that until then were prohibited
  • It makes a quality improvement in social relations and partner
  • It improves sense of health and mood
  • It improves sense of confidence and self-esteem.

In By-Pass surgery, the patient may have small diarrhea when they eat too much food or the eat food that contains too much fat.

How Long will i be in hospital after the operation?

Generally patients are admitted the evening before surgery. Most patients stay in the hospital for 2-3 days.

do most people who have weight loss surgery regain their weight?

No. A small number of patients can regain their weight but the vast majority lose significant weight and keep this weight off.

How much weight will i lose?
what and how should i eat after surgery?

The three types of obesity intervention we perform require a period of adaptation in the diet after the operation. First you take a liquid diet, then semi-liquid, bland, semi-bland and finally normal. During the liquid and semi-liquid diet period, the patient should take “dietary supplements” that are purchased at pharmacies. The patient eats normally within 5-6 weeks.

What complications does the surgery have?

When can I exercise after surgery?

What complications does surgery have?

The complications of these procedures are similar to any other abdominal surgery and include: bleeding, infection, and obstruction. It will also depend on the associated comorbidities. However these surgeries are no less safe than other techniques, and their risks in general are less than leaving morbid obesity untreated.

When can I exercise after surgery?

when can i exercise after surgery?

From the first day of discharge, we recommend to do adequate physical exercise suitable for the patient, age, and degree of obesity.

After four weeks, moderate progressive exercise (including swimming) can be performed.

Very competitive exercises should wait 6 weeks.

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Gastric Sleeve

Weight loss results come extremely fast and patients can usually reach their Goal Weight in the first two years. It can be as long as a few days before patients can see results from gastric sleeve surgery.

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weight loss surgery

Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass can provide long-term weight loss. The amount of weight you lose depends on your type of surgery and your change in lifestyle habits. It may be possible to lose about 70%, or even more, of your excess weight within two years.

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Intragastric Bypass

The intragastric balloon is designed for patients with a body mass index between 28 and 31 or for those patients who are not candidates for obesity surgery

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Av. Fco. I Madero. #1368, D Leon Unidad Medica , Mexicali, BC 21100

Monday – Friday

8am – 8pm


8am – 2pm



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